

Is this life that we hold so dear to our hearts, worth the investment we make, when all that we do is look to receive the very moment we wake? Should life be a matter of filling our souls with worldly treasures we take? Or plundering haplessly with no regard to all the souls that we rape? We hope to gain more from the powerless ones by holding their necks by the nape. Twisting their fates by stealing their hopes and draping their coffins with capes.

I am the one who was chosen to speak on behalf of the poor and the lame. Ignoring their plight I fell out of grace when realized I am the same…as the drug cartel or the soldier from hell. I am, just not in name. For I was the one that knew what to do, but instead gave them my back. Stopping my ears and holding my tongue, I told myself its best to hold back. Your little ones suffer on, not knowing all that they lack.

I could have given them truth from your word, and shared with them all I believe. For you said to all of us ( including this one ) it's more blessed to give than receive. For what man can stand before his God while his friends are blindly deceived. Lord have mercy on me for failing to be the voice that speaks of your love. It's your kindness that brings us all safely home, led on the wings of a dove. Forgiveness is mine as I look back in time as I see that never you shoved, or led me astray nor turned me away, for your mercies are new everyday.

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