
Version Psalm 53

there is no God
you are a fool

He looks on us
no understandstanding

we all turned
no goodness

no knowledge
devouring sons of God

afraid of fear
shatterd bones

save and protect
through restoration


Version Psalm 43

Uphold my cause against the land
that holds the wicked unjust man

O God that makes me strong
You've left me for so long

Lead me with your light and wisdom
Bring me to your holy kingdom

Stand before your presence then
shouting out to you, Amen

Questioning my souls unease
hoping in the God who sees
once in while they come around, if you watch and wait.

if you close your eyes and listen, your thoughts will be their bait.

a captive audience, an ensamble cast preforms for you at will.

take it in, ponder deep, until you have your fill.

what is their name, and whence they came for you at last to know?

memories, both strong and weak, feel them come and let them go...
Try and see it the way I do. I would show you more, Its true.

I'd lift the vail that covers your eyes. I'd give you light to brighten your skies.

Id turn your darkness from dark to light. I would send in angels to give you sight.

I ask for this and so much more, that peaceful waves caress your shores.

That strength and knowledge would bless your life and restful nights replace sleepless strife.

In asking this I know one thing, that this is what I long to bring, to you today and evermore...know that this is what friends are for.


Version Psalm 23

Im led by You
and in the leading
I lack for nothing.

You lead me to
the waters where
I can lay down,

I am restored
because you lead me
into a right place,

You go before
I go through hell
and you are with me.

A table set
to honor me
You meet my needs

I dont deserve
in all my ways
please live with me.


Version Psalm 13

Will forever cover time and space
of how long till I see your face?

I speak to me with stricken words
they come at me with brandished swords

Lightened eyes wont sleep at all
you hear my cry before I fall

Grandiose voices rail with glee
allow not death to conquer me

A faith in substitution finds
arms outstretched toward aid devine

A lasting note is on my breath
requited tones escaped from death

Oh The Humanity

i forgot to mention im human i failed to remember youre not im lost in a sea of confusion im here in the depths of regret i hear the sound of your spirit i hear the sound of heartbreak i wish to know more than i i hope you can see more than me i know the future is coming i sense a movement of peace i wish to be more like you i long for i to be we you see my thoughts from afar you know my every desire you alone can mend the broken you alone turn pain to relief you never have shunned the fainthearted you hold them close to your chest you stand on the mountains of power you rise to beyond all degrees you move with the wind of solaris you funnel eternity now forgive me i doubted your goodness forgive me great king of my past